Tuesday, January 09, 2007


So here goes another movie review. For those who don't know. I am a true viewer of horror flicks. If I had to choose, my two most favorite genres are romance and horror. Yes, I am twisted. The only reason why I haven't posted much horror on my site is because there hasn't been any to watch. J-Horror used to be my all time favorite with Ju-on, Ringu, and the rest; however Japanese horror fans, like me, have seen a bit of a drought. There just haven’t been any quality films from Japan or anywhere in the world for that matter. So it pleases me a lot when I do receive a new horror film.

Rinne, or Reincarnation, is psychological horror released from "Ju-on" director Takashi Shimizu. I really didn't know much about this film until I saw the commercial for 8 Films to Die for - After Dark Horror fest on TV. I had to check this film out. The film is crazy. Right from the start, the scaring commences. The film is about, you guessed it, reincarnation. The main character, Nagisa Sugiura (Yûka), is an actress trying to make it in the film industry. She auditions for a film but is saddened that it is another horror film. The director of the film, Ikuo Matsumura, notices something special about Sugiura. Thinking she failed the audition, she soon realizes from her agent that she has landed a roll. That's when strange things start to happen. She notices a young girl with a doll where ever she goes. The script, that she is to star in, is about a true event that happened in the 70's about 11 people who were murdered. She is to play the murder's daughter. At the first rehearsal, she starts getting visions of these murders so real that she would faint on set. At home, she would wake up, not to be in her bed, but in the hotel. This film is just creepy.

I thought this movie was pretty cool. But maybe that’s because I've seen so many duds that this one wasn't that bad, I’m not sure. I really liked how they blended the past and present. It gives you a sense of being trapped. The story was good. I wish they went a little deeper with the characters, but I guess who cares when you’re cringing with fright. Awesome flick. Peep it!

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