Wednesday, January 09, 2008

MeMe Tagged

Kayo at Osaka Life tagged me. So I'd better start typing. Plus I have a ton of free time.

Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog. (Optional, apparently.)

My Seven Random Facts:

1. I love Horror Films. I've seen almost all there is to see. I try to take in all the good and the bad however, it really is a pet peeve of mine to be recommended a horror film that blows. Any recommendations would be much appreciated!

2. I'm a bboy. I've been breakin' for about 15 years. Give or take a few years while at school.

3. I'm short. Honestly, it does suck to be short. Especially because you lose out on all the girls that are taller then you. But, I think if you are still able to attract women, then you'll be alright. So for all you short guys out there, it's not so bad.

4. I won "best costume" at my current job dressed as Bruce Lee.

5. I don't think I'm an otaku even though I show some similar traits. I dressed up as Duck King (KoF) once at AnimeExpo, I watch anime and J,T,Kdramas, and I read mangas. Wow. NVM

6. I played tennis in high school so that I'd have gym for sixth period. I really didn't like the fact that my school didn't supply showers for the students thus by having PE sixth, you can just go home after instead of having to be at school, smellin'! I suck at tennis and I really had no interest in it.

7. When I was in the 5th grade, I let out an SBD and blamed it on the kid who couldn't speak English. So everyone believed it to be true. I couldn't hold it in and that was my only option. I know I'm a jerk. Please forgive me!

Crud, I don't know many blogs. I'm just gonna post random sites then.

Tsuji Eriku at YODC
The guy who does JapanSugoi. Gomen!
Edward at Japundit
Johan at Lost in Japan
Garten at Memento
Nikki at Nihon Watch
Lee at Tokyo Times

I just realized i sent links to all the Japan sites I check out. HA oh wells!

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